All the little things! : PRAY BIG

All the little things!

by Wandafay on 04/26/23

All the little things!

Everyday HAVE TO!
Responsibilities that overwhelm
Burn out!
Anxiety and ill health from having to do too much all the time, for long periods of time, with no relief, rest, breaks, breathers!  GOD MAKE YOUR GRACE AVAILABLE and send relief, help, supply, needs met, not only financial, but all hands on deck, available, troops for the mission, etc. etc.!  IN JESUS NAME, AMEN!

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This page was last updated: March 17, 2024
Come in agreement with any part of the following words which represent prayer we are praying simply by saying Amen!  In addition you can go to previous days prayers and agree with those!  The power of God is multiplied beyond our understanding when YOU come in agreement with God led prayer!  Thank you!
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