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General prayer for various

by Wandafay on 03/17/23

Big things and little things

Personal things and corporate, country and world
Bank, banking, money, economy, inflation, and all that pertains to all of it!
Internet, infrastructure, etc.
All towns and cities, very small, small, medium, large, law makers, judges, mayors, police, emergency workers, infrastructure, trash, structures, sewer systems, electric, gas, water supplies, all energy supplies, all co-ordinations.  Protections, needs met, 

Bind all and every kind of criminal activities, drug, drunkenness, driving, careless, sleepy, all, etc. safety over all roadways, highways and biways, trains, trucks, cars, boats, airplanes, small and large!  Deliveries, postal, UPS, Amazon, etc. 

Home, families, marriages!  Rock solid, income, bills paid and all needs met!

All pastors, and churches, congregations!  

All authorities!

Children, babies, teens, young adults, middle age, seniors.  Parents!
Special grace to parents, and children.  

Jobs, careers, businesses, small and large!

Taxes done for all and easy to do, accurate!  Favor and ability to understand and do!  

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This page was last updated: April 28, 2024
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